I think it is kind of cool the way, as you grow old, age
becomes relative. In theory, it works pretty well; on match.com, not so much.
I was recently doing a search for available men on the
website and I find it odd that most of the fifty year old men on the site look
to be about sixty or even seventy and the forty year old men look a lot closer
to fifty plus than they do their early forties. Why do we try to hide our age,
when instead we should embrace it? (pst – I’m really turning 39…. AGAIN!
Seriously!... wink. wink.) Do I have to search the thirty-somethings to find
someone for me who is actually age-appropriate?! What is age-appropriate anyway?
I’m still not convinced though that if I were eighteen, I’d
be a Justin Bieber fan. Oh, if I was thirteen, maybe. Yet, he’s eighteen and if
he were interested in a thirteen year old, well, we’d soon be seeing his name
on a certain list! Perhaps his handlers are keeping him perpetually thirteen
just to tap into that market. Somehow, I see that ending badly. I guess that’s
why, at age thirteen, I didn’t become Mrs. David Cassidy after all.
Confession – I have a new obsession – the three young men
(aka “the boys”) who have just moved in across the street from me. One of the
three has bought the house across from mine and has taken in two of his friends
as roommates to help pay the mortgage. Smart. They’re all really good looking,
despite all three being in their early twenties; very early twenties. Double
their age and add a few years to it just to reach my age. Ouch! I met the
mother of one of them. I think she’s younger than me. Double ouch. They think
I’m a cool neighbor and even invited me to hang out with them this past
weekend. The attraction isn’t Mrs. Robinson at all; nor is it Harold and Maude
by any stretch. Sadly, I think they see me more as a cool Aunt who has replaced
giving out chewing gum with beer than as an objet de desire.
The film Magic Mike was an interesting study in age
relativity. Channing Tatum is hot, don’t get me wrong, but Matthew McConaughey
is closer to my age and thus I’d be more inclined to be attracted to him. Even Joe
Manganiello, who was born the year I entered junior high school, is more age
appropriate than the neighbors I’m currently stalking, er, I mean living across
from. I so could get away with Cougaring that man and who would blame me?!
My hero is Susan Sarandon, who at the fabulous age of
sixty-five, still exudes sexuality and glamour. If she’s had any plastic
surgery, it’s damn good. She appears to be growing old gracefully. That’s how I
want to do it – beautifully and gracefully. She also dates younger men and why
the hell not!? You go, Girl! She embraces her age and doesn’t fight it. She
doesn’t have to lie on her match.com profile. That’s why she’s so damn attractive.
It’s such a double standard, even in this day and age that
seeing a twenty-three year old woman with, oh, say Sean Connery as her
boyfriend, is considered normal, but if I were to date a twenty-three year old,
people would just consider that I’m taking my son out to dinner and a movie,
and not on a date. I realize that the Cougar thing didn’t exactly work out well
for Demi Moore, who is our poster-child for rocking the age of forty-nine. But
at least I can still dream of my youth as I scarf down my Ensure, adjust the
fit of my Depends, and throw back some Geritol while I watch the boys’ goings
and comings through my front picture window. Hey, it’s not technically stalking
if you happen to own the property across from the place where you are actually
stalking, right? These days Taylor Swift has validated my evil plan
brilliantly, even if I was here first.

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