Instant Menopause

It’s finally dawned on me that I may not be as young as I used to be. A big indicator of that was waking up in a pool of sweat this morning from the month long deprivation of estrogen that my doctor has imposed on me to cure the endometriosis that was discovered after my hysterectomy last week. At the ripe age of 45, I am cloaked, or rather soaked, in a wash of instant menopause.

And there doesn’t seem to be enough Black Cohosh or Dong Quai in the all natural health food store to hold it at bay! I am taking the supplements, religiously, but they aren’t working as well as I’d like. And the bad thing is that I actually have the end all be all cure sitting in a drawer in my bathroom – an expensive compounded elixir of natural estrogen that I filled before I knew I was going to have to be replacing my bed sheets and mattress for one of those cooling blankets and a slab of ice! But if I take the estrogen, the endometriosis will remain. But If I deprive myself of estrogen, the night sweats, terrors, trauma, anxiety, and sheer hell will continue. The stress of this dilemma is actually causing me even more stress!

I am older and wiser than the age I wish I was – I can surely endure and persevere. I will emerge on the other side of instant menopause with a new outlook on life and new Egyptian cotton sheets. I can do this for the next three weeks, surely. In the meantime, I’m off to buy an oscilating fan, 50 bags of ice, and a personal Chinese herbalist.


P.S. Is it hot in here, or what?!

1 comment:

  1. "I will emerge on the other side of instant menopuase with a new outlook on life and new Egypitian Cotton Sheets."

    At least you can find humor and a good reason to go shopping in all of this.
